How to Overcome Teenage Acne

How to Overcome Teenage Acne?

Acne occurs in most teens. The perception of acne in teenagers is beyond a skin problem. It has an undeniable emotional and psychological effect. A child’s teenage and adolescence are days of wonder, where they go through most of their major development and evolve emotionally, socially and psychologically Acne, however, can greatly impact their self-esteem and confidence levels.


Let’s start with understanding the root cause


Pimples can occur due to any of the following reasons:

  • Clogged pores by sebum or oil production.

  • Improper use of cosmetic products

  • Touching your  face repeatedly with unclean hands

  • Hormonal imbalances that lead to excess sebum or oil production.

  • Hair follicles get infected by bacteria or clogged due to excess sebum.


Can acne  be prevented?

Since acne is often caused due to hormonal changes in the body, it can’t always be avoided. But there are specific measures that help to reduce their severity:

  • Wash your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser. Overwashing your face can stimulate the cells to produce more sebum, which makes your skin oilier and tempts you to wash it again, creating a vicious cycle..

  • Use products advised by a professional expert, as they would better understand your skin type and specific needs and recommend products that deliver better results than commercial alternatives.

  • Use fewer cosmetic products and always clean your applicators and brushes before and after use. Never go to bed with makeup on. As teenagers are more tech-friendly, always remember to wipe the screens of mobile phones with a suitable cleansing agent.

  • No popping or squeezing the acne regardless of its size and shape. Squeezing can push the infected content into deeper tissue resulting in even bigger pimples.

  • Aloe vera provides a soothing effect, but it has a high amount of latex that can cause allergic reactions, so avoid it in its raw form and instead try products enriched with aloe vera.

  • Low sugar and a low carb diet help to improve the status of acne. Increased water intake can flush toxins out of the body. Green leafy vegetables help to replenish the micronutrients like zinc and selenium. High fiber diets and probiotics improve digestion and overall metabolism.


Do I need to see a doctor?

A dermatologist can evaluate the condition of acne and can advise treatment accordingly. Over-the-counter medication helps to reduce the severity of acne and reduce scarring and pigmentation you can take Acne treatment also.

Commonly used medications for the same include:

  • Salicylic acid

  • Benzoyl peroxide

  • Glycolic acid

  • Lactic acid

  • Retinoids

  • Cystic acne requires low-dose oral antibiotic therapy.

However, use these only after prior approval from a skin specialist in gurgaon , as some of these can be harsh on your skin as well.


Acne increases the overall sensitivity of your skin. As with all things, you have to give treatment some time before you see concrete results, and even a reasonably low dose and topical treatments can take 6-8 weeks before providing any visible results. 

Apart from just acne treatments, a healthy diet and regular workouts can help improve your metabolism and reduce the severity of your acne too.

Acne primarily appears on the face. Other areas of occurrence are neck, arms, shoulders, chest and back. Acne can rapidly spread due to touching or excessive rubbing of clothing.  Skinfinity offers the best pimple and acne treatments in Noida. Our treatment aims to prevent new breakouts reduce acne scarring.

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